Saturday, October 27, 2012

Learning a lot....

This week has been one of learning a lot of different theings.  Our class this week was about transracial adoption.  We met a lady who adopted her son when he was an infant.   He is bi-racial and was completely adorable.  His mother had done a great job of making sure that he could connect to people from both sides of his heritage.  His birthmother is still in his life and like his adoptive family, she is caucasin.  His birthfather isn't someone they know.  She didn't elaborate on the story as it apparently was a sensitive situation, but they believe that he is African-American.  So they try to make sure their son understands that his hertiage.  I thought it was pretty awesome of this mom to work so hard ot make sure her son could identify with who he is.  She told us of rude questions people asked her all the time when they first brought him home.  One I found the rudest was someone who asked her "Did they not have any white babies you could've gotten?"  That one sort of floored me that someone would not only ask a new mom that, but that we still have people who would say something so heartless about a sweet little baby.  Almost make him sound not worthy of a home, because he is bi-racial.  I only pray that I could handle such questions with the grace and dignity she did.  It taught me a lot about how to handle rude people.  Not just with an issue like that, but just in general.  It is definitely a place I need to grow in, as I usually react rather than stop, think, then respond.

I did learn something about myself this week.  My heart has healed a lot....more than I thought.  Back probably almost a year ago, I had a guy say something extremely cruel to me.  I am not sure he knew how cruel it was.  He made a really harsh comment about how I should hurry up and have a baby, because I was getting old and my eggs were drying up.  I debated on even writing that because it is harsh, cruel and honestly just stupid.  But I couldn't quite type it in a vague way that did it justice.  Needless to say that comment was like a knife in the stomach.  I am normally someone that will just make a comment right back and move on.  But given our situation, that one left me silent and almost like I couldn't move for about 5 minutes.  He had no idea what we were going through, but that itself is the point.  You never know what someone is going through, so making hateful comments, even if you think they are funny, is not something an adult should do.  Anyways, I sort of held a grudge towards this guy ever since.  About 2-2 1/2 months ago, he also came and left me holding somethings he needed to do so he could go with his wife to the doctor to hear their baby's heartbeat.  This was the first I had even heard that they were pregnant with their 2nd child.  I was just coming off the loss/D&C from just a few weeks prior so I was almost angry at him for even going.  That was wrong of me, because no matter what comments he made, the baby and hearing the heartbeat is so precious.  We never heard ours but we saw it and I can tell you there is nothing like that.  Anyways fast forward to yesterday.  I got the news that they lost their sweet baby.  I broke when I heard it.  My heart ached for them so much.  This guy isn't well liked by any means so most people were like oh that sucks....where we going for lunch?  So I almost surprised myself, when I found myself coming to his defense.  And I realized something about me at that point.  My heart wasn't broken for myself anymore, but for someone else.  I also realized I have forgiven him for what he said.  A couple of months ago, I couldn't have said that.  I was happy (weird choice of word there but I wasn't sure how to make it sound right) that finally I was back in a place where I could truly just hurt for someone else and not bring it back to feeling sorry for myself in some way.  I don't want to drown in a pity pool for myself.  I prayed for them as hard as I could and hope they are doing ok.

Last night we wished a good friend good luck as he starts his journey a new job several hours away.  While we will see him again while he is traveling back and forth, it was one last time for us all to come together and spend some time together as friends, or probably a better word - family.  I took a glance around the table last night and realized that I had close to 16 people around me (note there are many more that should be in that number - they just couldn't make it out) that are the best friends a girl could have.  We are all different and come from all over the place, but we are there for each other no matter what.  I am tearing up even writing this.  Not from being sad, but from just a girly emotional moment when you learn some of your family are people that aren't related to you by blood.  I couldn't love these people anymore than I do today if we were all biological family.  Brings the adoption into light in a whole new way and goes to show blood isn't the important thing....the heart is. 

I also have to talk about how excited I am for my friend who is expecting her first and it is a little boy.  She is probably one of the most beautiful girls I have ever seen and now is the cutest little pregnant lady!!  Her little bitty belly is adorable.  And she shared a story about her family and adoption with me last night and it was awesome.  It was a story that I was needing to hear and I thank both God and her for making sure I heard it.  She said she is praying for me, well if you are reading this, I am praying for you too sweet girl! :)  Not only to have a healthy baby boy in March, but also prayers of thanks for you being a part of our little friendship family and such a light in this adoption path for me.  Sometimes its the little things that make the biggest difference and that story last night over chips and salsa was it.  Love you & can't to meet your little guy!

Ok this turned out way longer than I intended.  It is Alabama Homecoming today and I will be there as we Roll over Miss St and stay on the road to the championship!  Praying for healthy teams and no injuries and safe trips to and from the stadium.  (And possibly an endless supply of hot hands since it is a bit cold today!)

As always thank you guys for listening and keeping us in your prayers.  We have one more class to go and then the home visit/interviews and we will be wrapping up this home study process and moving on to officially waiting.  We have started baby furniture shopping already.  We want to get a few essentials just in case a baby comes quickly!  I have two sets narrowed down but can't decide between the two!  Why is baby stuff so cute?  They should make 10% cute and 90% ugly so it would be easy to choose :)

OK enough!!  :)  I have gotta go find enough red and houndstooth to make you go blind from looking at it and get to the came!

Love you guys!!  And thank you for being amazing!  I can't say that enough.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Class, Sass, CM Punk & Superman...What? :)

Hey guys!

So two days ago we completed class #3 with our adoption agency.  This class wasn't quite as structured as the last two.  We went over some things we should, but also had some free-flowing conversation.  Turned out to be full of tears, fears, and a whole lot of laughs.  I think it was what we all needed.  A few minutes to vent out any frustrations, fears, and just share some silly thoughts and things about ourselves.  In fact, the whole class was astounded by my answer to the ice breaker this week.  Every week we do a little something to just get the class going.  This week it was an"If" question and everyone's was different.  Mine was "If I could watch any tv show right then, what would it be?"  Well I know it surprises none of you that I said WWE Monday Night Raw, but you could hear a pin drop in the class!  Then half freaked out and said they loved it as a kid and we had some much fun laughing and sharing memories.  Note that Monday Night Raw was in Nashville that same week and I had to pass on it.  Did I mention adoption is expensive?  So my amount of shows has been cut down quite a bit.

But don't feel too bad for me :)  You see last Saturday night I was in Jackson at a house show.  And naturally freaking out ever so slightly when CM Punk came out.  (Imagine that!)  He is a heel right now (if you have no clue what that means that's ok), so he was heckling the crowd.  I am about the only one cheering.  Well he looks around the ring and locks eyes with me (I did fainting!) and he says "Hey weren't you at Wrestlemania and on my DVD?"  How I managed to conjure up an answer I will never know, but I did say yes and he then responded with you are awesome, I hate everyone else in here but you are cool.  (Still didn't faint?  I think I earned myself a cookie!)

Now why was this such a big deal besides the fact that I adore CM Punk more than a pair of new Converse, a bunny, and a Popsicle all in the same day?  Well did you see I mentioned his DVD?  It came out last Tuesday and it is an amazing DVD and I am not just saying that because I love him nor because I am on it....although you should love it for that last reason! :)  He shares his story on this DVD and guess what is part of his story?  You guessed it, adoption.  See his family and he weren't exactly on great terms.  I won't give it all away, but there was a lot of substance abuse and neglect involved.  So he moved in with his best friend at a young age and that friends family basically adopted him. He calls them his sisters and spends Christmas, birthdays, etc. with them.  I have always been sort of drawn to him, because of his personality.  He is who he is and doesn't apologize.  He stands out and does his own thing and loves wrestling probably even more than I do.  Well I just found it a little ironic that he was also affected by adoption.  Makes him even more my favorite. :)  So CM Punk if you are reading this (I mean you never know right?), thanks for sharing that piece of your life with us. Oh and speaking of Jackson, Daniel Bryan if you are reading this...I worked really hard on that sign you ripped up.  Just saying!

And as a side note...Superman was adopted.  If you know me, you know I have an insane love for Superman.  So I am assuming our child will also have super hero powers.  I think this has the potential to be awesome since it may lead to me co-starring on Smallville one day and letting Lois Lane know she came across as a cougar on the show and I feel Lana was completely alienated.  Ok maybe that is a little far, but it is awesome to know that two of the most awesome people ever are adopted.  :) 

And onto the sass!  My absolutely beautiful & amazing sister-in-law is getting married March 23!!  I am so excited for her.  Of course then it hit me that this also means I have to figure out how to squeeze my big 'ol "sass" into a dress in 5 months.  *insert terrifying scream here*  So this morning I hit the treadmill.  It wasn't pretty, but I got it done.  I am getting my stride back slowly.  My mile time isn't as fast as it was a few months ago, but it wasn't as horrific as I thought it would be either.  I can't lift as much weight as I could about 12 weeks ago, but I will get there again.  And now I have the motivation to really do it.  Not to mention this will put me in awesome shape for Wrestlemania weekend.  (As a side note...Crystal thank you for not scheduling your wedding on April 7th since I have already paid for my Wrestlemania trip, which is non-refundable!)  So looks like Operation Toned-Tan-Fit&Ready is in full-effect.  It stinks that I am set back a little from where I had gotten too, but you know what, fall off the horse, get back on right?  So I guess my days are back to grilled chicken and protein shakes for a while. :)

Now onto business :)  Yesterday we went shopping for nursery furniture to get an idea of cost and measurements.  Found some beautiful things that I think we will get eventually, but of course we have to save up.  This leads me back to the cookbook.  I am overwhelmed with you all and how many recipes you gave.  They are awesome!  I am compiling them all today.  I tried to get it done a week ago, but just didn't quite get done.  So hopefully I will have them done this weekend and the books will be here and ready to sell in a couple of weeks.  (These and the t-shirts make great Christmas gifts!)  I also have another idea for fundraising that I will be sharing soon.  If it goes well, then I am hoping to be able to keep doing it full time and providing the items at low cost to other families trying to raise funds for adoption.  Then they can sell them at a higher price and raise money and won't have to actually create the product.  Everyone is so busy and overwhelmed while adopting, I am hoping I can help take some work off them and raise money all at the same time!

So that's pretty much been my week.  Our home visit is coming up soon so I am winding this up so I can start cleaning out things and getting the house looking super nice.  We have crown molding to hang and more to do than I care to think about.  I am also fighting allergies today so this may be a day filled with :) 

And good luck/congratulations to all the Ribbon Run participants this morning.  You guys are awesome!  Let's pray that soon breast cancer won't even be a concern because there will be a cure!

Ok enough for now!  I need to be productive...and it's time for WWE Saturday Morning Slam.  Have a great weekend guys and Roll Tide!

Love ya'll to pieces!

* In case you were wondering....this is CM Punk/The Best in the're welcome :)  *

Friday, October 12, 2012

2nd Class Down & Rollercoaster rides....

Hey guys & girls!

Last night was our 2nd adoption class and it was awesome.  Not only did we get a fireworks show thanks to the Titans playing the Steelers and kickoff going on during the class, but we got to meet a couple that had adopted through our agency and hear their story.  It was inspiring and made us cry.  But it was so nice to hear a success story after the long road ahead.  The class has been awesome to relieve some fears and confirm some things we already knew but just need to keep hearing.  The other couples are pretty awesome and I have become the class mom who brings a treat each week.  Week one was cookies, snickerdoodles & chocolate chip.  Week two was Monster Munch.  Week three is going to be Owl Cupcakes.  I have no idea how I functioned in life without Pintrest....or a GPS...or my phone....but that's another blog for another day. :)

One thing that we did talk about was infertility grief and man does that ever draw up emotions in a room full of couples aching to be parents that have been let down time and time again.  But it also provided comfort to know that we weren't alone.  Every person in that room had experienced similar things and they have made it to this point because they are strong and faithful people.  It was a pretty cool revelation.  Michael and I talked about it and I cried the whole way home.  Not because I was sad, but it was just this emotional outflow that had been waiting to come out and finally finding a place where everyone else is just like was a little overwhelming (in a good way).  I have long been a person that didn't want to be like everyone else and didn't want to be "normal." I like to stand out and do my own thing, be it popular or not (wrestling t-shirts at the office should always be a popular decision...just saying).  But this was one thing that I needed to find a place where I had something in common with some other people and I have and they are amazing people and I am very thankful for them to be around me and sharing their stories.  I also want to thank those of you reading this that have shared your stories.  I want you to know something too.  I am so thankful that each story you have told me has ended in a baby for you.  I have said prayers of thanks for you and those kiddos, because I am so happy that your struggles ended in such amazing ways. And those stories are such inspiration to me and to anyone else who knows what you went through.  You guys are just stinkin' awesome :)

With that all said, today was a little tough.  IUI #4 officially didn't take and now we are in holding for at least a month until we can meet with the doctor to revisit our plan.  The things he wants us to think about are IVF, laproscopy (sp?) surgery, and injectables (7-12 days of self administered shots along with a treatment).  I can pretty much guarantee IVF is out based on expense.  $10K for IVF isn't possible with the adoption, and I can't turn my back on adoption.  God has called me to that and I am in it to win it now.  The surgery...well it's basically exploratory.  They are searching for anything to give reason for why this isn't working for us since everything else has turned up nothing.  I am not sure how comfortable I am with that.  It's a lot to think about.  I have 1 month before we see the doctor so there will be plenty of prayers going up to make the best decision I can that clearly aligns with God's path.  But again adoption will not take a back seat to this.  I wish I could tell you how heavy on my heart this has been laid, but it is something that is just meant to happen.  Not saying the road won't have bumps, but I can feel in my heart it's the right road to be on.

So even though it was a little tough to take in today, it is still a good day as it is one day closer to our adoption.  Each day I realize we are only getting closer and it's a pretty cool thought but it also stresses me out because those that know me well know I am a planner and I feel like I have in no way planned for a baby to be here!  I have crossed the things off the adoption home study list but where in the world do I plan on this child sleeping? LOL  So look for soon to be nursery posts coming your way :)

OH! And before I forget...those that sent me recipes THANK YOU SO MUCH!!  I am starting to compile the cookbook now.  I think it will take me a week or two to get it in order and the entries submitted.  I cannot wait to get the copies here!  I got the sample and it's awesome.  And thank you guys for giving little Simsy (corny I know - I'll try and do better) a start at a great life and a full tummy! :)

Love ya'll to pieces!

Friday, October 5, 2012

1st Adoption/Waiting Parents class complete!!

Whoa!  That's about all I can say.  We had our first class last night and it was a lot of what we expected coupled with a lot of emotions.  One being that fact that this is really real and we just took a huge step toward the rest of the road.  Another being compassion because I saw 12 other faces in the room going through the exact same journey we were.  I saw the same nerves, the same happiness, and the same mix of excitement/fear in those faces that we feel. 

The interesting part was that none of us had the same story or experience thus far.  I thought that was cool, because not even about to lie, I assumed that I would walk in and feel like awesome here's my competition for a potential match.  They are cool and fun and smart and funny and what if the mom's all like them better?  But it wasn't like that at all!  We were all so different that there isn't a competition.  We all bring such different traits and experiences to the table, that I think the same will be true with our birthmoms.  They will all be so different and the right ones will find each other.  It was pretty neat to just see how that puzzle may fit.

We had two brithmothers speak to us and out of respect for their privacy I am not going to talk about it or what they said.  Only comment I will make is that if you have never heard a story like that, I encourage you if the chance may occur to listen.  Just stop and listen.  You will be amazed at what you learn.

I am so ready to get to the next class.....and the next....and the next.  Not just to be over the paper work part of the process either.  But I like getting to go through this with other people in the same situation/journey. 

On a side note, the cookbook sample kit arrived and it is so cute! I love it.  So we are going to try and have it wrapped up and submitted within about a week/week & a half.  So if you have anything to submit, if you could get it to me sometime next week that would be awesome!!

Love you guys and have a great weekend!  No Bama football this weekend, so I am cheering for all of your teams, so GO <Insert Team Name Here> haha!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Today was a test....

So today was a test of a lot of things but one in particular was my patience.  I, at times, fancy myself as a hard @$$ that can handle tough situations, like rude people, with dishing it out right back to them.  Unfortunately, that is simply a little bit of a fantasy lol!  I usually just go out of my way to be nicer to them to stop the rudeness.  Today though I got a little taken back by someone's actions....well maybe 2 people.  It was 2 guys that I work with that are both nice, one particularly very nice and usually shy/quiet.  Well not so much today.  Today I completely upset him by asking a simple question that I was directed to ask.  I felt awful that he was so mean to me about it, because it was just out of his character.  I was mad too, don't get me wrong, but deep down I felt like I had done something to him personally to make him mad. 

I was probably being WAY oversensitive since it started off as a tough day.  Today was a day I had to give myself an injection (if you have no idea what that is about....refer to previous posts).  Well this one today not only kind of hurt, but it hurts a little to know this may be the last go at this.  We don't know what the next plan of action is and it has troubled me a bit.  I also have so many emotions and nerves running rampant right now with the adoption class starting tomorrow night.  I am so excited and scared all at the same time.  So I might have been a little hypersensitive because of what I was going through.  Which made me think how he had no idea what I was going through....therefore how could I know what he might be going through as well?  Maybe he was having a terrible day too.  Maybe he was worrying about a sick child or someone had really been hard on him in a meeting.  It could be anything.  And while it doesn't excuse it of course, it makes it a bit more understandable.

It put something in perspective for me.  I can be standing next to someone at the store and they could be completely broken and so sad, and I would never know it.  I always smile at people I make eye contact with even I don't know them.  I hope that maybe can make them feel better if they are having a bad day.  But now it makes me want to just be a little nicer.  I just want to maybe help someone not feel like everyone in the world is against them.  Not be like I was today and just have my first reaction be anger when someone lashes out at me. 

We will see how I do with that process :)  As for tonight...I am about to fix food for a bridal shower tomorrow (yay Rachel!!) and some yummy cookies to share with the other soon to be parents in my adoption class.  This weekend I head to a ghost tour with two girls that I can't thank God enough for.  They make me smile whenever I see their faces!  I love you so much Casey & Crissy!!  Can't wait until I get scared on the ghost tour...I know it isn't scary...but I will still be scared lol!  And it is now 10 days until I see CM Punk again!!  I am happier than a short-legged pony in a high field of oats!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Waiting....Oh waiting....

Still waiting for my cookbook sample kit to arrive...seems to be taking absolutely forever.  Hopefully it will show its little sample face sometime this week so I can get this together.

Also waiting to see what is in store for us with the future with our doctor.  After lots of new measures and additional "plans" we will see where we go from here soon.  More waiting...but the waiting has taught me a lot.  It has taught me something that I struggle with a lot and that is patience.  SO in a way I am thankful that I am getting more practice at that as I am certain I will need and appreciate the extra patience when I become a parent.

Adoption class starts Thursday and we are ALMOST done with the pre-reading assignments.  I feel like I am back in college again.  Holy big books Batman!  Not to mention paperwork.  One thing for has kept us busy during the wait to start the adoption process :)  Can't wait to write about the class this Thursday!  Not a clue what to expect but I think it will be exciting and can't wait to meet the other couples in the class.

Not much else going on as it is Monday night and wrestling is on.  Currently CM Punk is on my tv and I am a happy girl :)  He is awesome and I will be sitting ringside to see him, Miz, Cena and AJ Lee in less than two weeks! Yay!  All my favs in one room.....doesn't get much better.

Well wait maybe it does....I figure after all the craziness...I deserve a I am shoe shopping as well.  For converse none the less :)