Monday, October 1, 2012

Waiting....Oh waiting....

Still waiting for my cookbook sample kit to arrive...seems to be taking absolutely forever.  Hopefully it will show its little sample face sometime this week so I can get this together.

Also waiting to see what is in store for us with the future with our doctor.  After lots of new measures and additional "plans" we will see where we go from here soon.  More waiting...but the waiting has taught me a lot.  It has taught me something that I struggle with a lot and that is patience.  SO in a way I am thankful that I am getting more practice at that as I am certain I will need and appreciate the extra patience when I become a parent.

Adoption class starts Thursday and we are ALMOST done with the pre-reading assignments.  I feel like I am back in college again.  Holy big books Batman!  Not to mention paperwork.  One thing for has kept us busy during the wait to start the adoption process :)  Can't wait to write about the class this Thursday!  Not a clue what to expect but I think it will be exciting and can't wait to meet the other couples in the class.

Not much else going on as it is Monday night and wrestling is on.  Currently CM Punk is on my tv and I am a happy girl :)  He is awesome and I will be sitting ringside to see him, Miz, Cena and AJ Lee in less than two weeks! Yay!  All my favs in one room.....doesn't get much better.

Well wait maybe it does....I figure after all the craziness...I deserve a I am shoe shopping as well.  For converse none the less :) 

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