Saturday, October 20, 2012

Class, Sass, CM Punk & Superman...What? :)

Hey guys!

So two days ago we completed class #3 with our adoption agency.  This class wasn't quite as structured as the last two.  We went over some things we should, but also had some free-flowing conversation.  Turned out to be full of tears, fears, and a whole lot of laughs.  I think it was what we all needed.  A few minutes to vent out any frustrations, fears, and just share some silly thoughts and things about ourselves.  In fact, the whole class was astounded by my answer to the ice breaker this week.  Every week we do a little something to just get the class going.  This week it was an"If" question and everyone's was different.  Mine was "If I could watch any tv show right then, what would it be?"  Well I know it surprises none of you that I said WWE Monday Night Raw, but you could hear a pin drop in the class!  Then half freaked out and said they loved it as a kid and we had some much fun laughing and sharing memories.  Note that Monday Night Raw was in Nashville that same week and I had to pass on it.  Did I mention adoption is expensive?  So my amount of shows has been cut down quite a bit.

But don't feel too bad for me :)  You see last Saturday night I was in Jackson at a house show.  And naturally freaking out ever so slightly when CM Punk came out.  (Imagine that!)  He is a heel right now (if you have no clue what that means that's ok), so he was heckling the crowd.  I am about the only one cheering.  Well he looks around the ring and locks eyes with me (I did fainting!) and he says "Hey weren't you at Wrestlemania and on my DVD?"  How I managed to conjure up an answer I will never know, but I did say yes and he then responded with you are awesome, I hate everyone else in here but you are cool.  (Still didn't faint?  I think I earned myself a cookie!)

Now why was this such a big deal besides the fact that I adore CM Punk more than a pair of new Converse, a bunny, and a Popsicle all in the same day?  Well did you see I mentioned his DVD?  It came out last Tuesday and it is an amazing DVD and I am not just saying that because I love him nor because I am on it....although you should love it for that last reason! :)  He shares his story on this DVD and guess what is part of his story?  You guessed it, adoption.  See his family and he weren't exactly on great terms.  I won't give it all away, but there was a lot of substance abuse and neglect involved.  So he moved in with his best friend at a young age and that friends family basically adopted him. He calls them his sisters and spends Christmas, birthdays, etc. with them.  I have always been sort of drawn to him, because of his personality.  He is who he is and doesn't apologize.  He stands out and does his own thing and loves wrestling probably even more than I do.  Well I just found it a little ironic that he was also affected by adoption.  Makes him even more my favorite. :)  So CM Punk if you are reading this (I mean you never know right?), thanks for sharing that piece of your life with us. Oh and speaking of Jackson, Daniel Bryan if you are reading this...I worked really hard on that sign you ripped up.  Just saying!

And as a side note...Superman was adopted.  If you know me, you know I have an insane love for Superman.  So I am assuming our child will also have super hero powers.  I think this has the potential to be awesome since it may lead to me co-starring on Smallville one day and letting Lois Lane know she came across as a cougar on the show and I feel Lana was completely alienated.  Ok maybe that is a little far, but it is awesome to know that two of the most awesome people ever are adopted.  :) 

And onto the sass!  My absolutely beautiful & amazing sister-in-law is getting married March 23!!  I am so excited for her.  Of course then it hit me that this also means I have to figure out how to squeeze my big 'ol "sass" into a dress in 5 months.  *insert terrifying scream here*  So this morning I hit the treadmill.  It wasn't pretty, but I got it done.  I am getting my stride back slowly.  My mile time isn't as fast as it was a few months ago, but it wasn't as horrific as I thought it would be either.  I can't lift as much weight as I could about 12 weeks ago, but I will get there again.  And now I have the motivation to really do it.  Not to mention this will put me in awesome shape for Wrestlemania weekend.  (As a side note...Crystal thank you for not scheduling your wedding on April 7th since I have already paid for my Wrestlemania trip, which is non-refundable!)  So looks like Operation Toned-Tan-Fit&Ready is in full-effect.  It stinks that I am set back a little from where I had gotten too, but you know what, fall off the horse, get back on right?  So I guess my days are back to grilled chicken and protein shakes for a while. :)

Now onto business :)  Yesterday we went shopping for nursery furniture to get an idea of cost and measurements.  Found some beautiful things that I think we will get eventually, but of course we have to save up.  This leads me back to the cookbook.  I am overwhelmed with you all and how many recipes you gave.  They are awesome!  I am compiling them all today.  I tried to get it done a week ago, but just didn't quite get done.  So hopefully I will have them done this weekend and the books will be here and ready to sell in a couple of weeks.  (These and the t-shirts make great Christmas gifts!)  I also have another idea for fundraising that I will be sharing soon.  If it goes well, then I am hoping to be able to keep doing it full time and providing the items at low cost to other families trying to raise funds for adoption.  Then they can sell them at a higher price and raise money and won't have to actually create the product.  Everyone is so busy and overwhelmed while adopting, I am hoping I can help take some work off them and raise money all at the same time!

So that's pretty much been my week.  Our home visit is coming up soon so I am winding this up so I can start cleaning out things and getting the house looking super nice.  We have crown molding to hang and more to do than I care to think about.  I am also fighting allergies today so this may be a day filled with :) 

And good luck/congratulations to all the Ribbon Run participants this morning.  You guys are awesome!  Let's pray that soon breast cancer won't even be a concern because there will be a cure!

Ok enough for now!  I need to be productive...and it's time for WWE Saturday Morning Slam.  Have a great weekend guys and Roll Tide!

Love ya'll to pieces!

* In case you were wondering....this is CM Punk/The Best in the're welcome :)  *

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