Saturday, September 29, 2012

Here's what's cooking...

In case you missed the Facebook post, I am putting together a cookbook with some of my favorite recipes and have asked any of you all that would like to contribute to send me some of you favorites.  My hope is to put together a cute compilation of our favorite foods and use this to help not only raise funds/awareness for the adoption, but also I want to cook all these things for little bit when he or she is old enough to eat them.  I want to share with them the love that went into getting our paths to cross and show them how many people were eagerly awaiting their arrival. :) 

Another funny thing that happened...funny being ironic...was with my love of crafting.  Some of you guys know I have my wreaths posted on Etsy.  Well I had a lady email me and ask me if I would be interested in donating one as a raffle prize for a March of Dimes benefit she does.  It is a walk/run that is in rememberance of babies that have been miscarried/lost and all the proceeds go this year to the March of Dimes.  The slogan was "taking the steps they never got to take."  It touched my heart that God put this in front of me.  Not only did I accept the offer and will happily donate a wreath but it made me do some research and here is what I found out:

"In 1988, then-President Ronald Reagan proclaimed October as a national month of mourning in remembrance of babies who died in through miscarriage, stillbirth and other causes. This observance allows families and communities to come together to not only celebrate those infants' lives, but also to increase the understanding into why these tragedies occurred and work at preventing them in the future. "

I had no idea.  Of course my little mind is running 100 mph and wondering if I can get a walk together sometime in October.  :)  Let's see what I can come up with!  I know some of you do walks/runs all the time, so if you have ever helped organize one or put it together, let me know.  I wanted to do a big one to raise money for the adoption, and maybe this can go hand in hand with it to help raise awareness and to help honor those that have been lost but definitely not forgotten.  I just had no idea there was a whole month for it!

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