Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Today was a test....

So today was a test of a lot of things but one in particular was my patience.  I, at times, fancy myself as a hard @$$ that can handle tough situations, like rude people, with dishing it out right back to them.  Unfortunately, that is simply a little bit of a fantasy lol!  I usually just go out of my way to be nicer to them to stop the rudeness.  Today though I got a little taken back by someone's actions....well maybe 2 people.  It was 2 guys that I work with that are both nice, one particularly very nice and usually shy/quiet.  Well not so much today.  Today I completely upset him by asking a simple question that I was directed to ask.  I felt awful that he was so mean to me about it, because it was just out of his character.  I was mad too, don't get me wrong, but deep down I felt like I had done something to him personally to make him mad. 

I was probably being WAY oversensitive since it started off as a tough day.  Today was a day I had to give myself an injection (if you have no idea what that is about....refer to previous posts).  Well this one today not only kind of hurt, but it hurts a little to know this may be the last go at this.  We don't know what the next plan of action is and it has troubled me a bit.  I also have so many emotions and nerves running rampant right now with the adoption class starting tomorrow night.  I am so excited and scared all at the same time.  So I might have been a little hypersensitive because of what I was going through.  Which made me think how he had no idea what I was going through....therefore how could I know what he might be going through as well?  Maybe he was having a terrible day too.  Maybe he was worrying about a sick child or someone had really been hard on him in a meeting.  It could be anything.  And while it doesn't excuse it of course, it makes it a bit more understandable.

It put something in perspective for me.  I can be standing next to someone at the store and they could be completely broken and so sad, and I would never know it.  I always smile at people I make eye contact with even I don't know them.  I hope that maybe can make them feel better if they are having a bad day.  But now it makes me want to just be a little nicer.  I just want to maybe help someone not feel like everyone in the world is against them.  Not be like I was today and just have my first reaction be anger when someone lashes out at me. 

We will see how I do with that process :)  As for tonight...I am about to fix food for a bridal shower tomorrow (yay Rachel!!) and some yummy cookies to share with the other soon to be parents in my adoption class.  This weekend I head to a ghost tour with two girls that I can't thank God enough for.  They make me smile whenever I see their faces!  I love you so much Casey & Crissy!!  Can't wait until I get scared on the ghost tour...I know it isn't scary...but I will still be scared lol!  And it is now 10 days until I see CM Punk again!!  I am happier than a short-legged pony in a high field of oats!

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