Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Home Sweet Home Visit

Today was home visit day!!!  After days of cleaning, shouting expletives that our house is unlivable, and then cleaning some more, I toned it down and relaxed  (somewhat).  It was actually one of the easiest parts of this whole journey.  I had heard this, but refused to believe it.  In my head it was going to be full of white gloves swiping my blinds and checking the date on all my food in the fridge and the pantry.  Well....not so much! :)  It was actually very relaxed and there was a checklist that was pretty easy to meet.  We did need a larger fire extinguisher and bought a few safety/baby-proof items to meet some other items, but we had everything else and it was a smooth walk-through.  So now I can stop sweating....and cleaning the crevices between the hardwood planks....yeah I think I have actually set a record for crazy things people clean.  I won't even mention that I cleaned the vacuum.   (Crossed out since I said I wouldn't mention it...then did anyway)

So what's next?  Well we have to be officially approved through our agency, which hopefully will come in the matter of a couple of weeks or so.  Basically we hope to be officially a waiting family by Christmas.  What a great gift huh?  Very excited to be done with paperwork for a while! :)  Now I am going to start our nursery.  We want to get geared up so if a baby were to pop up quickly, then we would be ready to bring it home and not have to stress over a crib or a carseat.  People have been awesome to offer to do showers for us, so we will save some things for those celebrations, but some of the critical pieces we may get.  After all, if we get a baby soon, we will need to get it home and a carseat is essential to that :)  But I am so blessed to have friends and family offer to throw showers.  It makes my heart melt to think about me sitting there with a cute cake and cute baby gifts.  I have had a LONG 4 years to dream about that party, so I will be a very happy and thankful participant.  In fact, I think I would do all the hard work so others could enjoy it.  I see this all as a celebration for everyone, because so many people are helping us make this possible.

A lot of people have asked what I would do if we got pregnant (be it a miracle). I have actually gotten this question a lot. Like probably from just about everyone I have talked too. Well if we did, then awesome. Can't imagine how overjoyed we would be. But it wouldn't change this adoption journey. We would still adopt, because after 4 years of infertility, I know God led me on this journey for a reason. And while I do not foresee us being one of those fairy tales that as soon as you start to adopt you get pregnant, if it did happen, then our family would just expand in two ways.  I am happy with our decision to adopt and want more than one child.  So no matter how babies find their way to us, they are welcome in our home, be it through our biological birth and adoption or just adoption.  So hopefully that answers that and explains that I am ecstatic over either method of family expansion.  Infertility sucks.  Plain and simple.  But the road it has taken me down has turned out to be pretty amazing and adoption has been even more awesome, which is a direct link to it having God's hand in it.  I find myself talking about it to anyone who will listen :)  So Sorry if you have not wanted to hear as much info as I have thrown at you haha!  Just give me a cookie and tell me to pipe down :)

And in other news.... 29 days until CHRISTMAS!!! Whoop Whoop!!  You should all know Baby Sims (I must come up with a better nickname...I am going with cupcake)...Baby Cupcake got TWO gifts already.  Yep...already spoiled and we haven't even seen or met cupcake.  One was from Michael's Mawmaw.  The cutest burp cloth you have ever seen!  Love love love it!  The other was from mommy and daddy and was a cute little ride on turtle that lights up and plays music.  I found it on Black Friday and could not stop thinking about it, so I had to go back and get it.  We also have 3 boxes of Twinkies so when Cupcake gets older, they too will know the joy of the golden cake of goodness.  Provided I don't eat them all when we find out we are matched and I stress eat from that day forward :) ...  or stress eat up until the SEC Championsip game...or after leading up to the National Championship.....(I am thinking I need to go buy more now...)

Well I need to get to bed.  It is a long work week this week after the holidays and I am already beat.  I hope you guys are having a great week.  I love ya'll and thank you for all the prayers and the long talks you have let me have with you about all this. 

Oh...and CM Punk!  I don't really have anything to add about him but since I mention wrestling in like every blog post....I figured it was the right thing to do to just shout his name or something lol!

Until next time :)
Peace, Love, and Fat-Free Golden Cakes from Heaven...yeah Twinkies

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