Monday, November 12, 2012

Fear, Love, and Politics

So tomorrow is the big day when we go for our individual interviews at the adoption agency.  After this, there is only one more step (the actual home visit) and given that we are approved, we will be officially waiting.  And I am not going to lie.....tomorrow scares me to death!  I have no idea why.  But it does!  I just want to do the best I can and keep the process moving.  So I think I am just scared that I will in some way slow it down or something.  All I know is tomorrow I will be sitting on pins and needles all day waiting to leave for Nashville.  I spent 45 minutes deciding what to wear! :)

Another thing on my mind today was Veteran's Day.  I am so thankful for all those that serve so that I can be free and live in a country that allows me to expand my family through adoption, and one that allows birth mothers who can't parent their children to choose adoption.  I can link everything I do and every choice I can make back to living in this amazing country and without those men and women in uniform, I would not have those things.  I thank God for them every night and pray for their protection.  I get the honor of working along side them everyday in the job I am currently in and I have learned so much.  Their stories and hearts leave me in amazement.  I envy their patience and selflessness.  They are not just my coworkers, not just my friends, but true heroes.  I hope they all had an amazing day. 

And another thing that happened today was it was my sweet mother-in-law's birthday!  Happy birthday!!!  We love you and hope you had an amazing day.  We will see you in a few days!  Her birthday made me think about my own mom.  I spent all day Saturday working the garage sale with her and have to look back and laugh.  We are so much alike it is funny.  Seems like the more we say we won't be like our parents when we are younger, the more we turn out like them when we are older.  But I can say that is not a bad thing.  We are alike in many ways, but different in many as well.  One thing my parents taught me was to be myself and that it was ok to be different and stand out from the crowd.  So I embrace the differences, but cherish the likenesses.  We love each other more than anything, and annoy the mess out of each other sometimes too.  And you want to know a secret? I wouldn't have it any other way.  I have always considered her my best friend, even in times when I, myself, have not been a very good friend.  But regardless she is there for me and I wouldn't trade anything for that.  And not to leave out my dad, where I find myself different from my mom....I often find myself being like my dad.  I like to think of it is as the perfect blend...the perfect Starbucks cup of coffee :)  The only thing I am more thankful for than being able to call them mom and dad, is that my children will call them grandma and grandpa (or whatever they want to be called). 

While on the topic of my future children, I did something today that I had never done before.  I wrote my Senator.  Yep...sure did.  Ok why you ask?  See there is an adoption tax credit.  Adoptive families can claim this on their taxes and get some relief from the high adoption costs.  The current credit will expire on Dec 31, 2012.  There was an act started by Rep. Bruce Braley of Iowa that would set the adoption tax credit at $13,360 and make it refundable and permanent.  Many representatives are advocates of this bill, including TN's Steve Cohen.  There is a Senate bill as well to make the adoption credit refundable.  TN is not yet on board with this one, so I wrote Sen Corker and pled my case. (And will write the rest of the Congressman, both House and Senate).  I urge you to do the same.  If this were to pass, adoption would become more affordable to so many.  If it does not pass, and the current one expires, the credit could drop down to $6,000 and not be available to all families.  The new bills will make it available to all, no mattered what form of adoption (i.e. adoption through foster care, domestic, private, etc.).  It will also give families who adopt special needs children a flat tax credit, meaning they get the maximum without making them document their expenses, since they sometimes incur more expenses post-adoption.  Go here if you would like to learn more or find out who from your state you need to write: .  Remember - your voice counts and they are there to hear your voice.  Pray for them and that the right choice is made to help families come together.  The last thing we want is for financial burdens to cause families to not be formed and kids lives to be effected. 

Ok it is Monday and WWE Raw is I think I hear John Cena's music, which tends to mean CM Punk is not far behind :)

Love you guys and pray I manage to stay calm and get through the interview ok.  Oh and I have to go get my bridesmaids dress this week.  I plan on taking a picture in it as my "before" picture and then living on the treadmill and the weights for the next 4 months...and hopefully will actually be able to post an "after" picture. :)  So pray I can restrain from eating a tub of ice cream while enduring the stress of the holidays!

Peace, Love, & Fat-Free Skittles :)

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