Friday, December 14, 2012

Somedays you wish there was no news....

So today is a day of heavy hearts. The tragedy in Connecticut is one I don't have words for.  I can't begin to even grasp on to how something like this happens or how a heart/mind can be so filled with hate to hurt innocent children and teachers and faculty.  It is so scary to think about it when I think about bringing children into the world.  When school stops being safe.....when teachers have to be afraid to teach A-B-C's.....what do we do?  My heart just breaks thinking of these families tonight.  My family was hit with an act of violent crime that stole a member of our family from us.  It of course wasn't of this magnitude (20 little children...not much rivals that), but it cut to the core none the less.  I pray those families band together and open up their hearts and let God work as hard as He can to help them through this.  I wish the news would just stop showing it all for a few days and give them time to grieve and regroup.  A tragedy like this should be taken with the highest amount of seriousness and also compassion to those that were effected. 

Tonight I am looking around me and thanking God that I have family here and friends all over.  I am thankful we overcame the things we did and grew closer as a result.  I am thankful for my two sweet dogs that love me whether I had a good day or a bad day...whether I am in pajamas or a formal dress....and love me a little more when I have food.  I am thankful for a good job that allows me to pursue the family I want.  I am thankful that job has introduced me to some of the people it has, including the men and women in our military that make me feel safe in a world where it is hard to feel any kind of safety.  I am thankful for my parents and all they do for me, including making sure I have a Christmas tree this year even when I said I didn't want one...because they knew I did.  I am thankful for my husband who bought me an animated Bumble today for our yard for Christmas time, because he knows what makes me smile even when I don't want to smile.  I am thankful to have my Christmas spirit back. I am thankful for my friends who listen to everything I whine about and still love me.  I am thankful for adoption agencies and advancements in science that continue to make miracles happen for families.  And I am thankful for God who makes all of the above possible.

I stated all those things because in times like this, we need to remember to count our blessings.  In times of tragedy, I think it is important to remember those things.  And to let those things serve as a reminder to pray for the families that are experincing hard times.  No time is harder than loss. 

I wanted to end this blog on a light note, but I think I will just allow hearts to be a little heavy, but know that God will reach out and take care of these families, so pray prayers of peace tonight.  And hug your family members.  We are not promised tomorrow with our loved ones, so it is important to make sure they know we are just crazy about them and to not sweat the small stuff.  This is something I learn more everyday.  Small stuff doesn't really matter.  That's why it's small.  If we could go back and redo things with loved ones we have lost, we wouldn't fight with them over anything.  We probably would always make sure we said I love you to them.  We probably would surprise them with their favorite dessert more often.  We would tease them a little less (or maybe a little more if they liked it!)  So I want to make sure I live this way with people now.  We get caught up in every day life and forget these things.  But every day rat's small stuff.  Loved ones are big stuff :)  It's a shame it takes stuff like this to teach us that lesson, but if any good can come out of such darkness, then hopefully it is that.  And I also pray that if the last report of mental illness in this troubled man is true, that we learn more and more and one day can cure that type of illness. 

I love you guys and I wish I could hug you all tonight.  I am so blessed to have you and I hope you know that.

Peace, love, & HOPE


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