Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Dear Santa...

So with everything that has gone on this past year, Christmas should be a time to be thakful for what we have and make the best out of everything we have been blessed with.  It is also a time for kids to write letters to Santa...or in this case adults.  It has been a long, long time since I wrote a letter to Santa, but this year, I figured what could it hurt and since he sees me when I am sleeping, knows when I am awake and all that....I figure he reads my blog too...so here's to saving myself a stamp and envelope:

Dear Santa,

Sorry it has been so long since I have written.  If you read my last post, you know it isn't because I don't believe.  I would say it is more in just growing up and doing Christmas a little differently as an adult.  But this year, I am changing that up.  This year I need a little Christmas magic and miracles.  And I figure both you and Jesus are the two that can make that happen.  I already talk with Him daily...sometimes twice, but I only get the chance to talk to you once a year.  So I hope all those years I let you off the hook and didn't ask for anything from you have saved up, because this year, I want some pretty big stuff. 

First, I want all the kids to get whatever it is they want this year.  I have seen the Angel trees this year in the mall and they are still pretty full.  It kills me to see that and think of sad faces Christmas morning.  Kids are so innocent and helpless to tough economic times.  They don't understand how everything costs money and sometimes jobs that provide that money are scarce.  They don't understand that Christmas gifts are expensive.  And I am glad they don't.  They should get to be little and think the worst thing in the world is the cable being out, someone not sharing a toy, or school on what should have been a snow day.  I wish I had the means to adopt every angel on that tree and give them an awesome Christmas, but I don't.  I did a little for Bikes or Bust this year, but money is tight and I couldn't do more.  I know how bad that hurt me and I am not their parents, so I can imagine how much they are hurting.  So please take care of them.  They are who truly put the joy in Christmas for all of us.  I also have a dear friend who's son needs healing.  I am not going into tons of detail on here, but you know who they are.  Please heal him and give him the best Christmas gift ever, his health back.

Now if you have any time left over after that big request, I am asking for something for myself.  It isn't something that can fit in a sleigh or even in the toy bag.  (And it isn't a pony...although you never made good on that one...just saying)  I am sure you think I am going to ask for a baby.  And of course, I want that more than I want air some days.  But it isn't that because I am not sure you can make that in your toy factory.  (But if you leave one at our door in a gift box, I will happily accept it.)  I am asking for some joy to be brought to us this Christmas and I am not picky how.  A surprise "you are officially waiting" phone call would be great.  A surprise decorated Christmas tree would be awesome too :)  But our family has been through heck and back in the past 3 to 4 years.  I wish this to be the best Christmas ever, despite any troubled waters we have treaded.  We have proven we are strong enough to make it through just about anything.  So now I would just like to see us relax a little.  We are always having to worry about events in our life or money to pay for those, so a day break would be so welcomed.  I dream about snow on Christmas morning, Christmas music playing, good food and smells all through the house, and laughter.  No worries, no stress, just the true meaning of Christmas of faith, love, hope, and family.

And for another request, just keep the hope alive with us.  We have had a lot of down falls on our journey and a lot of letdowns.  Some very recent ones.  Help us keep on remembering that hope and faith will get us where we are heading.  It is a long road ahead, but the best places are often the longest distances.  And help us remember that He will provide the financial means to get to where he is leading us.  He does not lead us on a path and not provide.  Help me to keep that focus in mind.

And if you can't do any of that, then how about some cash, a ride on Rudolph's back, a year's supply of front row wrestling tickets, CM Punk, a Hello Kitty backpack, Dr. Seuss Converse tennis shoes, pink glitter Tom's, some gummy bears, and a puppy? 

Peace, Love, and Christmas Lights,

Your Faithful Friend Misty

So there is my Santa letter.  Hopefully it made you laugh a little :)

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