Saturday, September 22, 2012

You may have thought I was kidding about the wrestling thing....

So I know my last post was a little heavy, but after receiving a message that it encouraged someone, it was worth it. I want you guys to know I am still very much encouraged and know God is here with me guiding my family to expand regardless of the method.

Now on to more fun things....for those that thought I was kidding about sharing nachos and a foam finger with a child dressed in Cena clothes while I wear CM Punk attire....I give you exhibit A :)

I figured just in case we are matched and have Baby home by Wrestlemania...he/she needs something to wear!  And if not, then to all the other house shows, pay-per-views, and autograph sessions that will come along after Baby is home.  (I am also going to pick a much more creative nickname than Baby...)
So come on Baby before Wrestlemania!  Momma has you an outfit and I think they might even let you in for free while you fit this outfit :)
Love you guys! :)  

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