Monday, May 25, 2015

The girl is back in town...

So it's been a a whole other baby later!  That's right, God blessed us with a sweet baby girl in February of this year without even the tiniest struggle to have her.  We couldn't be happier to be a family of 4!  Which is what led to the renaming of this blog.  You knew it before as "Making of the Sims 3."  Well that didn't exactly make sense anymore since we've gone from 2 to 3 to 4!  So since both kiddos have names that start with the letter A, Captain of the A Team was born.  You can still find all the old archive posts from our struggle and attempts at adoption and then finally having our sweet baby boy, but going forward I figure the name should be a little more accurate.

So now the blog will take on the shape of my many trials at different recipes I find online, on Pinterest, or ones that I revamp to be a little healthier.  I will probably also occasionally post on fitness to act like I am in shape or something (lumpy is the new toned in case you hadn't heard).  Food.  And there will be the occasional DIY projects that I either destroy or actually turns out ok.  Food.  And yes...there will be posts on my amazing family, because they are awesome.  And did I mention food?  So basically this blog is going to be a big hot mess of stuff, which perfectly represents its author :) 

So sit back and enjoy the ride and let's have a snack along the way :)

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